Civil Technologist


Professional Experience

Jeremy has over 5 years’ experience within both office and field environments. He has construction supervision and administration experience on highway rehabilitation projects including seal coat and micro-surfacing contracts as well as asphalt pavement and intersection improvements. He has working knowledge and familiarity with a variety  of civil design software including AutoCAD, Civil 3D, and InfraWorks. Jeremy has on-site experience in managing construction projects to ensure work is being conducted according to contract specifications. He has also worked on various surveying assignments utilizing Trimble Total Station and GPS equipment. Jeremy is driven and commited to delivery high quality results and contributing to project success. 

Select Project Experience

Refurbishment of Sikome Aquatic Facility, Alberta Forestry and Parks, 2024 – Civil Technologist for Sikome Aquatic Facility refurbishment project. Responsibilities include preliminary site inspection, grading design, and quantity takeoff. 

Kananaskis Region Pavement Refurbishment, Alberta Forestry and Parks, 2024 – Transportation Technologist for preliminary design of pavement rehabilitation throughout the Kananaskis Region. Design responsibilities included preliminary quantity estimates and preparing a conceptual design report. 

Hwy 16:18/20/22 Selective Rehabilitation, Alberta Transportation, 2023 - 2024 – Transportation Technologist for highway rehabilitation project including intersection widening, grading, granular base course, and asphalt concrete pavement. Design responsibilities included detailed design for intersection widening, material quantity calculation, and tender preparation. 

North Central Region Micro-Surfacing Program, Alberta Transportation, 2023 –  Transportation Technologist for micro-surfacing program on Hwy 16:14 West of Edmonton, AB. Responsibilities included preliminary engineering, detailed design, tender preparation, construction site supervision and project management. 

North Central Region Chip Seal Program, Alberta Transportation, 2021 - 2022 – Transportation Technologist for chip sealing program covering several highway locations across North Central Alberta. Responsibilities included preliminary engineering, detailed design, tender preparation, construction site supervision, and project management

Hwy 515:02 Rehabilitation Alberta Transportation, 2023 – Transportation Technologist for highway rehabilitation project including grading and drainage improvements. Design responsibilities included grading and drainage design, material quantity calculation, drafting, and tender preparation. 

Hwy 15:03/04 Intersection Widening and Paving, Alberta Transportation, 2021 – Jr. Construction Supervisor for highway rehabilitation project including intersection widening, grading, granular base course and asphalt pavement. Construction responsibilities included construction supervision, project management, and materials inspection. 

Hwy 40:42/42 Highway Twinning, Alberta Transportation, 2021 - 2022 – Transportation Technologist for highway twinning project. Design responsibilities included detailed design of highway twinning, vehicle inspection station, drainage and material quantity calculation. 

West Calgary Ring Road, Alberta Transportation, 2020 - 2021 – Design/Drafting Technician for West Calgary Ring Road. Design responsibilities included detailed drainage and grading design for access roads including material quantity calculation and production of design drawings. 

  • Civil Engineering Technology Municipal Diploma, SAIT, 2018
  • Civil Technologist, SweetTech Engineering Consultants, 2024- Present
  • Transportation Technologist, Egis Group, 2021-2024
  • Design/ Drafting Technician, Wood PLC, 2019-2021
  • ASET Member C.E.T. Alberta No. 120665
Years of Experience
  • 5

  • Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) - Class 7 
  • CSTS
  • First Aid & CPR/AED Level C