Civil Engineer-In-Training


Professional Experience

Scott is a civil engineer-in-training specializing primarily in water resources engineering, geotechnial engineering, and field engineering realted to recreational area improvements. During his over 4 - years of experience, Scott has worked on a wide range of civil engineering projects in both Alberta and Bristish Columbia. Scott currently operates primarily as a field engineer for SweetTech performing construction inspections for Alberta Parks projects, supporting development projects in municipal and mine settings, and participating in the design and tendering for recreation sites and flood mitigation process. 

Select Project Experience

Barrier Lake Day Use Area and Boat Launch, AEP, Alberta, 2019 – 2021 - Field Engineer for the construction of a parking lot expansion, facility upgrades, and emergency boat launch. Inspected construction progress and QA/QC to ensure project was constructed to the contract specifications. Tasks include daily field reporting, project submittal review, issuance of field change notices, and solving issues on site with contractor.

Grassi Lakes Redevelopment and Trails, AEP, Alberta, 2020 – Ongoing - Geotechnical field engineer performing site geotechnical inspections, general field engineering, and providing support throughout design, tendering, and construction. Tasks included daily field reporting, assisting with geotechnical reporting/designs/field changes, submittal reviews, preparation and issuance of field changes/contemplative change notices, and coordinating with the Contractor to solve field level issues.

Evan Thomas Creek and Kananaskis River Sediment Removal, AEP, Alberta, 2022 – Ongoing - Supported coordination of ongoing survey programs and a fisheries habitat assessment. Participated in the preparation of regulatory submissions and engineering plans for the instream removal of sediment. Construction is planned for Winter 2023.

Cotillion Access Road Rehabilitation, Saddle Hills County, Saddle Hills, AB, 2019 – Worked and prepared an Options Assessment report and Conceptual Design report for the rehabilitation of a river access road at Cotillion Campground in Saddle Hills County.

Construction Site-Flood Damage Insurance Claim Support, Cozen O’Connor, Strathmore, AB, 2019 – Performed forensic hydrotechnical analysis and field investigation for a construction site following flood damage. Investigation included probable root cause and impact assessment for legal counsel supporting an insurance claim.

Kananaskis Ice Jam, AEP, Kananaskis, AB 2019 – Performed construction monitoring and coordination in response and support for emergency ice removal. Additional work included environmental monitoring and developing an emergency response plan for future ice jams.

Treat Creek Mine Plan Update and Notice of Work, Lehigh Hanson Materials Limited, Jervis Inlet, BC, 2019 – Participated in the preparation of a Mine Plan Update and Notice of Work report for Lehigh Hanson’s Treat Creek Mine for submission to the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources. This work included hydrological and hydraulic analysis, regulatory and permit review, and the preparation and submission of a mine plan with a Notice of Work application package.

Pipeline Road Pit Mine Plan Update and Notice of Work, Lehigh Hanson Materials Limited, Coquitlam, BC, 2019 – Participated in the preparation of a Mine Plan Update and Notice of Work report for Lehigh Hanson’s Pipeline Road Pit for submission to the British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources. This work included hydrological and hydraulic analysis, regulatory and permit review, and the preparation and submission of a mine plan with a Notice of Work application package.

Highway AB-32 Side Slope and Culvert Improvements, Alberta Transportation, Whitecourt, AB, 2018 – Participated in all aspects of project coordination including, but not limited to, daily cost and quantity tracking, safety document control, obtaining line locates and crossing agreements, and purchasing. Worked closely with project managers and clients’ representatives to ensure smooth completion of the project.

Christina Lake Phase B, G, and J Expansions, Cenovus Energy, Conklin, AB, 2017 – Conducted field compaction testing and dynamic cone penetration testing (DCPT) on well pads and access roads. Worked closely with engineering consultants, project superintendents, and onsite foremen to ensure all earthwork projects were completed to design specifications.

  • 2020 B. Sc., Civil Engineering Co-op with Distinction University of Alberta
  • Civil Engineer-In-Training 2020 - Present
    SweetTech Engineering Consultants
  • Civil Engineering Co-op Student 2019 
    SweetTech Engineering Consultants
  • Junior Project Coordinator 2018 
     CAP Management Services
  • Materials Testing Technician 2017 
    SolidEarth Geotechnical Inc.    
  • Assistant Water Resources Technician 2016 
    Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority
  • Member, E.I.T. Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA)

Years of Experience
  • 4

  • Construction Safety Training System (CSTS-09)
  • WHMIS 2015
  • First Aid & CPR / AED Level C
  • Pilot Certificate - Basic Drone Operations